Your Health App Finder
To help you find trusted apps that meet your needs, we’ve set up a super easy-to-use Health and Wellbeing App Finder.
The Staffordshire Health and Wellbeing App Finder features thousands of apps that have been reviewed and rated to help you find best and the safest.
Find the best apps to help support everything from pregnancy, stopping smoking, and mental wellbeing, to long-term conditions like diabetes.

Who uses Health App Finder
App Finder is free for Staffordshire residents and health and care professionals to easily search and download from 100s of quality assured health and wellbeing apps.
Apps include help with mental wellbeing, healthy lifestyles and even long-term condition management. Try it out now
Only the very best apps
Each app featured has been evaluated by an orgnisation known as ORCHA against key criteria relating to Clinical Assurance, Data Privacy and User Experience.
The results are all laid out so you can see what has been found and feel confident in accessing high-quality apps.
Orcha assesses more apps than anyone, which helps them to cover more conditions and be on top of new releases when they come out.

Reccomended apps
Our individually rated and recommended Health Apps are here to support and help with a variety of health conditions, living well and general wellbeing categories for everyone.
Each month we highlight several highly rated apps from the hundreds available from the Staffordshire Health App Finder. See this months reccomended apps below
This months recommended apps

App finder stories
In the coming weeks we will be introducing stories about App Finder users.
From people in Staffordshire who have benefited from finding that perfect health app to health professionals who have discovered the perfect health app to meet the needs of someone in their care. Keep up to date with our Health and Wellbeing regular email update.
Top health app tips
Healthy changes start with little changes. Whether you want to eat healthier, start moving more, or lose weight, there are lots of free tools and support available in App Finder. Try them now.
We also have heaps of information, tools and resources too on our Healthy Eating, Moving More, Healthy Weight pages

For Professionals
Health apps can improve health and wellbeing, and can be built into care delivery, empowering patients to self-manage their health.
The Staffordshire Health App Library is for the public to find approved health apps, and which don’t require help from a health or care professional.
We also run a programme of support for health professionals in Staffordshire, including issuing a free professional login to App Finder, referral support and ongoing training tools and resources.
Contact for more information.
Here are some small actions you can do right now to improve your personal health and wellbeing.
Help and support is closer than you think