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Changing what we buy

Changing what we buy can significantly reduce our carbon footprint. Opting for environmentally friendly products, energy-efficient appliances, and supporting sustainable businesses can all make a positive impact. Embracing mindful consumption habits like buying locally can play a positive role in protecting our environment. This page will give you some helpful tips and tricks to make more sustainable choices.

Easy sustainable swaps

Refillable Cleaning Products

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Swap single-use plastic bottles of cleaning solutions, for refillable containers. Many stores now offer refill stations for cleaning products.

Alternative Toilet Paper

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Choose toilet paper and tissues made from recycled materials or Bamboo to decrease the demand for virgin paper.

Water Bottles and Coffee Cups

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Invest in reusable water bottles and coffee cups to avoid single-use plastic bottles and disposable coffee cups.

Secondhand Clothing

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Buy secondhand clothes from charity shops or online platforms to extend the garments lifespan and decrease the demand for fast fashion.

Soap and Shampoo Bars

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Switch to bar soap for personal hygiene and shampoo bars to eliminate the need for plastic bottles, reducing plastic waste in your bathroom.

Bamboo Cleaning Brushes

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Choose cleaning brushes made from plant-based or biodegradable materials instead of plastic ones that contribute to pollution.

Beeswax or Wax Food Wraps

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Invest in reusable water bottles and coffee cups to avoid single-use plastic bottles and disposable coffee cups.

Swap to LED lightbulbs

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Switch to energy-efficient LED light bulbs, which consume less energy and last longer than traditional incandescent bulbs.

Electric Vehicles 

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If you are in the market for a new car, consider opting for an electric vehicle. They will reduce your carbon footprint and reduce air pollution.

Recycled Home Décor

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Decorate your home with upcycled or recycled furniture and accessories, supporting sustainable design practices.

Energy-Efficient Appliances

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When upgrading household appliances, choose energy-efficient models to lower energy consumption.

Compostable Trash Bags

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Choose compostable rubbish bags  that break down naturally are a more environmentally friendly option.