Making steps to make your school greener is easier than you think! There are lots of ways to make small changes that will have a big impact. This page will give you examples of short term and long term projects to make a difference.

Easy ways to make your school greener
- Create a garden – Teach children how to grow their own food and compost.
- Recycling – You can set up a recycling contract so that your schools waste is used for other purposes. You can even save some things like paper and plastic bottle tops for art projects.
- Become an anti-idling zone – Encourage parents to switch off their engines during pick up and drop off by signing up to be an anti-idling zone.
- Active travel – Encourage active transportation options like walking or cycling to school to reduce carbon emissions. Teachers tell us that pupils who travel actively will arrive brighter and more alert, ready for learning as well as generally happier.
Green funding
Schools are eligible to apply for funding to make sustainable changes through the climate action fund.
Funding can be used to reduce carbon impact, improve air quality, improving the natural environment or reducing waste.
Projects can include tree planting, LED lighting, composting, solar panels and more.