Trying new things will make you feel more confident and give you a sense of achievement. In Staffordshire, we are lucky that we have lots of FREE ways you can keep your mind active and learn new skills.
Easy Ways to Keep Learning
- Explore “How To” videos on Youtube or Google.
- Visit your local library and pick up a new book or join a club.
- Try a new sport or exercise class.
- Join a social group or interest group. Find a group by searching on ‘Staffordshire Connects’.
- Take a FREE course through the Staffordshire Community Learning Service.

Staffordshire Community Learning is run by Staffordshire County council providing a range of adult learning courses available to you throughout 2023. The courses are available for Staffordshire residents aged 19 or over. Most are provided at no cost to learners.

Did you know that in just 20 minutes, anyone and everyone can gain the skills and confidence to help someone who may be considering suicide. Learning how to help others and spot the signs of suicide could be the new skill you learn today. Take the free training today or find out more.