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SC Resources

Welcome to your  toolkit!

This toolkit has been developed with community champions from across communities in Staffordshire and compiled by Staffordshire County Council’s Web Team to help make citizens and community groups feel more connected, better informed and able to share their experiences effectively. The aim is to enable everyone to be more fully engaged in their communities and empowered to get involved in social action.

If you’re unsure where to start when it comes to using the internet and digital platforms to your advantage, then take a look at the sections below to get you started. The toolkit is comprised of eight areas where a wide range of resource have been compiled into one handy place for you to reference. If you think we are missing something that you might find useful, do let us know through our Digital Innovations form.

Your key points of contact locally, who can provide more information than we’ve included in this toolkit, and provide expert advice in supporting community and voluntary work are Support Staffordshire and Staffordshire Council of Voluntary Youth Services (SCVYS), so please do get in touch with them in the first instance

Please note: all content used in this toolkit is from external resources and these have been referenced where applicable. Staffordshire County Council is not responsible for content on any other websites linked to from this site – the inclusion of any such links does not necessarily imply a recommendation or endorse the views expressed within them. We have no control over the nature, content and availability of those sites and you view them strictly at your own risk.