School Search
Our online search and comparison tool will help you to find information about your nearest and catchment schools, including performance information, teacher/pupil ratios and much more.
Select any of the features below for more information:
Using search
You can search by postcode, road name or school name. Partial search for a road name or school name also works, including just searching for 1 letter.
Search results
If you searched for a school, select any of the results to see the details for the school.
If you searched for a location, it will show a list of schools nearby:
By default it shows the top 20 high schools in order of distance, with number 1 being the nearest school. You can change the number of schools and the type of school with the drop-down selectors above the results.
School map
At the bottom of the search results is a map which will look like the image below. The numbered pins on the map represent each of the nearest 20 schools.
Selecting a school from the search results will display the following information:
Contact information
See the school’s address, phone number and email address, as well as links to the schools website, Ofsted page, and school admissions page.
The page also lists various statistics about the school in a clear format. Below are some examples of the statistics for schools:
School location
At the bottom of the page is a map. This map shows the location of the school, and its catchment area:
You can compare schools by selecting any 2 or 3 schools from search results, or selecting the ‘compare with nearby schools’ whilst on a school details page.
The comparison page displays all of the school statistics side-by-side with the statistics of another selected school.